For those of you who keep checking in to see if I have posted, thank you--I know my posts have been few and far between. So to make up for not posting in the past couple (okay, several) weeks, I am going to catch you up on what we have been doing. Note: lots of pictures to follow.
I found a fun, fun, fun new blog that has given me lots of inspiration and ideas for around the house, plus lots great ideas for Christmas. I've seen lots of "numbers" around
blogland and in magazines so I added a few to our entryway.

This past summer, Mike worked tirelessly on the outside of the house, working in the yard, pulling up trees, tearing down the
chain link fence and planting
grasseed. He also rebuilt the railing on our front porch. When all was said and done, we wanted someplace to sit. So he built us a bench. I'm noticing that in the pictures, the paint color looks a little orange. Let me reassure you, it's not. It's a true barn red color that matches our front door.

In the middle of all of this,
Christy, my sister came to visit for her birthday. I asked her what kind of cake she wanted for her birthday and with no hesitation, she said, "Chocolate." Of course I turned to my trusty friend Ina
Garten for help! Seriously, it's the best cake I have ever had. I won't tell you that I made it on Thursday night and it was gone by Sunday.

When we moved into our (fixer-upper) house, one of the MAJOR things we wanted to do was gut the fireplace and start over. Well, we are in the throws of doing that. I guess our thought was to start the project as close to the time when it would be getting colder so that we would have the motivation to get it finished. In the first picture, if you put your nose up to your monitor, you will be able to see what the original fireplace looked like. There was a gray marble surround that was cracked in several places, the mantle had about 4 coats of paint on it, one of which was a cherry red and there were smoke stains ALL around it. Gross.

The above picture is where we are now. We decided to build a raised hearth and we will be adding tile and a new mantle. Oh I can't wait to decorate it for Christmas!
Now for the funnest project (I wish I could take credit for it!) After my grandparents passed away I was given a green velvet
wing back chair. This chair has TONS of sentimental value to it. I can still remember my grandmother sitting in it on Christmas day. When it was given to me, I had new fabric put on it to match my living room. After moving into our new house and changing some colors up, I knew I didn't want it to have such a bold fabric on it anymore so I waited until I could find the perfect thing. Along came drop cloths from Home Depot. Who would have thought? Certainly not me! Have you seen what you can do with these?

I asked my friend, Addie, if she knew of anyone who could make a slipcover for the chair. She said she didn't but that she would be willing to give it a try. This is the only picture I have of her working on the chair. I was planning on getting action shots of her at the sewing machine and putting the pieces together but when I went to her house yesterday afternoon to work on it, she had it DONE! My thanks and love to you dear friend!

I just love the skirt detail she added!

It has TOTALLY changed the look of our living room and I can't stop looking at it!
Okay, so as you can see, it's been busy around here. And of course, I couldn't leave you without sharing a little piece of WHO keeps me the most busy.

Thanks for sticking around through all the pictures! Have a wonderful weekend!