Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my beautiful sister, Christy!

May this year be FULL of happiness, blessings and laughter!

I love you!

Monday, October 24, 2011

{w}hole by Lisa Whittle

In her book, Lisa Whittle, provides an honest look into her life and the struggles she has faced with the holes in her life. Holes that have been developed through religion, roles we play and the experiences we have. She takes a deeper look into how these three points shape us to be who we are and in turn steal the real wholeness we are to have in this life through Christ.

Along with a Barna Research study (her main resource for the book), she has identified these three areas (mentioned above)  in which women tend to have holes in their life that prohibit them from experiencing true wholeness. The study, in it's condensed form, is found in the back of the book to help readers gain insight into the study.

You will be challenged by her words to find those areas in your life that need to be re-evaluted but she will walk alongside of you, offering words of encouragement and bits of her own story. You will walk away from this book having been motivated to find those holes that have identified you and challenged to fill them with the love and grace of Jesus.

Tyndale House Publishers sent me a complimentary copy of this book for review. All opinions are mine.