Tuesday, May 26, 2009

15 Weeks....

Guess who slept through the night last night...

We are so proud of her!!! We have been working on getting her schedule and feedings down and last night she slept through! She is 15 weeks old today and I can't believe how much she has grown and changed.
She is right on track with where she should be developmentally and physically given that she was 7 weeks early. We have to gauge her sleeping, eating, playing, etc. by her corrected age, which is 8 weeks. So for an 8-week old, I would say that sleeping through the night is a BIG accomplishment!
Summer is officially here for us. Mike is out of school so that means lots of time with him and playtime with Anna Claire. We have several trips planned for this summer so she will get to experience her first road trip before too long. We will be going to Ohio for my niece's graduation, traveling to Virginia so she can visit her Papa and Didi in their new house (the whole family is going to be there and it is going to be so much fun!), and a trip down south to Georgia and Alabama to visit aunts, uncles and cousins. She enjoys being in her car seat so I'm not too worried about how she will handle it.
By the way, I made these brownies that my sister posted about and they are so easy and oh so good!


Kristen said...

Oh Sarah... she is just too cute for words! I love that sweet smile.
Glad it's summer vacation time! Can't wait to hear about your trips! We are settling into summertime activities too. Looking forward to lemonade and evenings on our patio...
Have a great day!

Smelling Coffee said...

Yeah for all of you and the full night's sleep!!!!!

Sounds like exciting weeks ahead. I've been praying for your parents and the move... That they will settle in quickly, make friends, and find the church family they are to be a part of. Blessings to all of you... Jennifer

Carry Grace said...

That is awesome that she slept through the night already.

duchess said...

She is too cute - and getting so big. Keep those pictures coming.

Every Day Blessings said...

She is so cute! Sleeping through the night is such a big deal, I understand. Now, you will start to feel like a different person.
Enjoy you summer, I am so happy that you will get to spend lots of time with your hubby!

Beth Herring said...


There isn't much that makes a mom happier than when the baby starts sleeping through the night!
Yay for Anna Claire!

Shell in your Pocket said...

Sleeping through the night...how wonderful for her and mommy! What a sweetie she is!!!!
sandy toe

Frankie said...

How many times did you get up and check on her when you realized she didn't wake up for her feeding?
Can't wait to hold her this week-end.

Unknown said...

Yay for sleeping through the night, she's on her way to being such a big girl! I hope you enjoy all of you upcoming visits!